About us
The high quality of multimodal transport logistics mainly depends on the brave, self-assured, and creative team that handles it.
We have reached the level of high quality through many years of experience, mutual support and trust, and respect for our profession, colleagues and most importantly – our clients.
In the words of John W. Langford, apart from being a science, logistics is also a form of art because it integrates human experience, intuition, and creative judgments.
This way of thinking creates a platform for us to synchronize your needs with already known and innovative solutions, designed especially for your requirements.
What do we offer?
We offer solutions for all your logistics challenges. All our organizational processes are oriented towards accomplishing an uncompromising level of security and cost-effectiveness for your cargo transport.

Even complicated assignment becomes simple if you choose a capable business partner.
ATI logistika d.o.o.

Jedrarska 5/1, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

+385 51 635 444, +385 51 635 777

+ 385 51 635 333


ATI LOGISTIKA d.o.o. / Sjedište: Hegedušićeva 14, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska / OIB: 10184775721 / MBS: 040365855 / Članovi Uprave: Andrea Kučan, Tanja Trivić i Ivan Randić / PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB D.D. 10000 ZAGREB, RADNIČKA CESTA 50 / SWIFT-BIC: PBZGHR2X / IBAN: HR8923400091510819799 / Poduzeće je upisano u Trgovačkom sudu u Rijeci, br. Tt-16/6921-4. Temeljni kapital 20.000 kn uplaćen u cijelosti.
© Ati-Logistika d.o.o. / Created by: Miletić Design